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Comatose Sharon's health worsens
Ex-Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon has been in a coma since January.


JERUSALEM (CNN) -- The condition of former Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon has worsened nearly three weeks after he was transferred to Sheba Medical Center's intensive care unit in Tel Aviv, the hospital said Monday.

Sharon, 78, has been comatose since suffering a massive stroke in January. (Watch how Sharon's health has deteriorated -- 2:27)

A brain scan showed a worsening cerebral condition, and the former prime minister also is suffering from pneumonia in both lungs, a hospital statement said.

Doctors plan to treat Sharon with a "broad-spectrum antibiotic and anti-inflammatory steroid treatment."

In July, bacteria was detected in Sharon's blood, and doctors reported a worsening in the functioning of his kidney and a change in brain tissue.

Sharon was moved to Sheba, a long-term care facility, in May.

At the time, Dr. Zeev Rotstein, head of the center, said, "We are expecting a difficult treatment because in his condition complications are expected. We will treat him as best we can. It is not a short-term treatment. We are talking about long-term treatment."

Sharon, nicknamed "The Bulldozer" for his stamina during meetings and long working hours, is a former army general and larger-than-life personality in Israel.

He was first elected prime minister in 2001 and re-elected in 2003.

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