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Telecommute resume represents you

By Jennifer Anthony
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Editor's Note: has a business partnership with, which serves as the exclusive provider of job listings and services to This article first appeared in June 2006.

Jobseekers often ask me what the difference is between a "standard" resume and a telecommute resume. Here are the differences:

1. Telecommute resumes have to really stand out.

Recruiters and hiring managers are flooded with resumes when they post a telecommute job. I spoke to a recruiter who stated he gets between 750 and 1,000 resumes, each day, every time he posts a project. It starts to taper off a little after the third day.

So after just three days, he could easily have more than 2,000 resumes to sort through.

Because of this, you absolutely have to have a resume that stands apart from the crowd. I don't mean that you should add all kinds of clip art and colorful graphics. You should take time to make sure your information is presented in an easy to read and eye-pleasing format.

You will need to emphasize your skills, particularly your ability to work independently, and your time management skills.

2. Telecommute resumes are highly scrutinized.

You are competing with people all over the country instead of just local applicants. The telecommuting employer has the "cream of the crop" to choose from. They are going to analyze and make judgments on what they find in your resume.

You have to pay extra attention to spelling and grammar errors. Make sure you aren't using the word "I" anywhere on your resume. Pay attention to where you place commas, and remember to end your sentences with a period.

Don't rely on MS Word to teach you proper grammar. Instead, refer to a manual such as the Gregg Reference Manual or some online manual.

3. Telecommute resumes have to take the place of you.

The hiring manager is not going to be able to meet you. They may call you for a phone interview, but they will make most of their hiring decision based on your resume alone. You want to make sure to cover everything you think is applicable, and leave off information that isn't. Read over your resume and think about what impression you will make.

In addition, if you have taken any online certification tests, (offered at Brainbench.comexternal link) be sure to add that information. If you belong to professional associations, (like the International Virtual Assistants Association) be sure to note that on your resume. Going the extra mile might make the difference between a regretful e-mail and "you're hired."

Jennifer Anthony is owner of Telecommute Resumes, which provides information about telecommute resume and cover letter writing techniques. She also owns ResumeASAP, which offers resume writing services.

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