Family, friends, and sometimes even troops themselves send I-Report salutes nearly every day to U.S. military serving their country away from home. Take a look below as family and friends share stories of the troops they love.
Wednesday, January 9, 2008
'We love him with all our hearts'

This is a picture of my husband, PFC Logan Spachtholz, flying into Iraq. He is serving with the 384th Military Police Battalion. He is set to return home in May. We miss him very much and pray for his safe return. We love him with all our hearts. He is our hero!! Also thanks to all the troops for everything they do.
Love, Kristy & Baby Anthony

-- Kristy Spachtholz of Columbus, Indiana
That's My Boy, Thumbs up all the way,,, protecting the Irags' and the American Way.... We are proud of you Son watch you back and your commrades too...

Love "T" & Family
Logan we are very proud of you and all american soldiers. Keep up the good work we love you and miss you very much. You are like our own son be safe. Our love Oscar And Delania Rains.
Every weekday morning on Headline News' Morning Express, anchor Robin Meade and her team do a shout-out to U.S. troops by showing off photos and videos sent in by their loved ones. Tune in every hour between 6 and 10 a.m. to see the salutes on air, or click through the archives on this page.
Send your own salute
Do you have a friend or family member serving abroad in the U.S. military? Please share your story on!
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