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[Lynette D. Vosges]
Name:Lynette D. Vosges
Residence:New York, NY, United States
Occupation: senior vice president of reinsurance, Aon Corp.
Location: World Trade Center
Related: Legacy.com tribute
Updated: August 28, 2002
Tributes and Information

To my dearest sister-In-law whose life was taken on September 11, 2001: You are my guardian angel and will always remain in my heart. Wherever you are, may God bless and keep you safe from any further harm. I Love You

Micheline Vosges, sister-in-law

The memory I have of her the most is coming to my mother's house for Christmas dinner when my grandmother was alive and we were a family and how pretty I thought she was. Ever since my grandmother passed we have not seen my aunt and uncle, so it has been along time since we last saw each other. I wish now that our family would have been closer and we could have had more time together when she was alive. I really hope this is a lesson for my family. I love them all so much.

Renee Rogers, neice

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