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[Adam J. Lewis]
Name:Adam J. Lewis
Residence:Fairfield, CT, United States
Occupation: senior trader, Keefe, Bruyette & Woods
Location: World Trade Center
Related: Legacy.com tribute
Updated: September 9, 2003
Tributes and Information

When I met Adam Lewis at 10 years of age he had the most wonderful feeling of security and freedom, this has inspired him not to see any limitations to have a large family and children in his adult life. He lived a most unique life with his mother, father and two sisters, Pamela and Kathy, in a small Spanish Morrocan town with walking streets. He knew persons from all walks of life and large Spanish families, poor and happier than ever mixed with artists from all over the world.

He was most attached to his mother with whom he had, during the years, the most unusual, enriching emotional experiences and travel adventures. He had a wonderful sense of responsibility and discipline from his father, who was a lawyer. All of this has helped him to see no limitations in work and human relationships, which was noticeable in his charisma with friends and work relationships - giving love and light to everyone he touched. He came back to live in the USA, and felt like the luckiest human being with opportunities and freedom.

Due to my close relationship with his mother, I continued having close contact with him, as he never failed his care and loving relationship with her and the people that surrounded her. When my kids grew up enough to go to visit him in USA, they were accepted in his house as a part of the family, and that is how we've always looked upon him: a very dear friend and part of our family.

He was in the Hall of Fame at Dalton College in NYC and excelled getting scholarships for both sports and academics, even being a coach for handicapped children. He worked as the vice president for KBW at WTC. As hard as it may seem, he might have fulfilled his goal in life with a wife and four children, and lived life to the fullest at 36 years old, when his life was ended in the most tragic event in WTC. I have no doubt that he would have helped everyone around him, and he was a real hero in the last moment of his life.

Alicia Gonzalez Sterling

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