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[Erica Van Acker]
Name:Erica Van Acker
Residence:New York, NY, United States
Occupation: Aon Corp.
Location: World Trade Center
Related: Legacy.com tribute
Updated: August 28, 2002
Tributes and Information

I worked with Erica on the development of an educational CD ROM on cross-cultural issues for business travellers for Park Li and Unitel in 97. I've rarely worked with someone who had such a magnificent mix of creativity, analytical power and follow-through. Although her credit was for production, I saw her suggest stunning visual ideas which the art director ran with, clear logical sequences that the interactive designer built into the structure, beautiful writing that I incorporated, thoughtful explanations of Hofstede's theories of cross-cultural issues that the subject experts accepted, and to top off her work of art, her deep beautiful voice as narrator. As long as you could keep up with her mind, Erica was a delight to work with. As I read her portrait in the NY Times and was overwhelmed by thoughts of what her last moments must have been like, I could hear her theater-trained voice with its British accent and soft flowing tones in my mind. She was saying, oh, don't think so much about my pain - of course I'd have preferred to stay longer on the planet, but I'm free now, and you have to admit it was quite an adventure.

Tita, colleague

A special prayer for Ricky, a loved and always remembered school friend.

Gillian Garner, friend

When Ricky was about 13 -15 years old she spent the summer holidays with her grandparents who lived near me in Dartmouth England. My brother Graham, sister Ann and I had great fun with her. We grieve over what we have lost, but nobody can take away the memories of the good times.

Andrew Purves, childhood friend

I only knew Erika for a short time, but was tremendously impressed by her talent and sense of dignity. She tried to bring out the best in everyone around her. I wish I could have known her longer.

Jack K. Rogers, co-worker

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