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Monday, May 14, 2007
Spitzer endorses Clinton, New Jersey mayors lend support to Obama

New York Gov. Eliot Spitzer, right, formally backed Sen. Clinton's presidential bid Monday.

WASHINGTON (CNN) -- New York Gov. Eliot Spitzer formally endorsed Sen. Hillary Clinton's presidential bid Monday, calling the New York Democrat someone who has "proven herself time and again."

"We know there is one person who can bring us back, one person who has the vision, the courage, the guts to say what has to be said, to stand up to those interests who do not like to be stood up to," Spitzer said. "One person who back when it was not popular to talk about health care reform, she did it. When it was not popular to talk about failing education, she did it."

Meanwhile, Clinton's chief rival for the Democratic presidential nomination, Sen. Barack Obama, picked up the endorsement of two prominent New Jersey Mayors Monday -- Newark Mayor Cory Booker and Jersey City Mayor Jerramiah Healy.

-- CNN Ticker Producer Alexander Mooney
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