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Wednesday, April 25, 2007
House Judiciary Committee authorizes grant of immunity for Goodling
WASHINGTON (CNN) -- The House Judiciary Committee voted Wednesday 32-6 to authorize a grant of immunity for former Justice Department official Monica Goodling.

Goodling, who served as counsel to the attorney general as well as the Justice Department's liaison to the White House until she resigned, has refused to testify before congressional committees and vowed if she is subpoenaed she would invoke her Fifth Amendment rights against self-incrimination.

Before the committee goes to a court to obtain an immunity order, it first will ask the Justice Department if its action would interfere with an ongoing criminal case.

The committee also authorized the granting of a subpoena to Goodling.

Goodling was one of a handful of key Justice Department aides involved in meetings regarding some of the fired U.S. Attorneys.

Goodling's lawyer has written a letter to Conyers saying he received the subpoena and tells CNN he will have no further comment.

-- CNN Justice Producer Kevin Bohn
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