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Wednesday, April 11, 2007
Clinton site highlights Imus controversy

Clinton is featuring the controversy on her campaign Web site.

WASHINGTON (CNN) -- Sen. Hillary Clinton, D-New York, is making the Don Imus controversy part of her 2008 presidential campaign.

Clinton's web site is now emblazoned with a graphic reading "Respect for Rutgers" and a link soliciting "Messages of Respect" for the Rutgers women's basketball team. The campaign also sent out a related email to supporters.

"Don Imus' comments about them were nothing more than small-minded bigotry and coarse sexism," reads a message on the site, which she signed 'Hillary.' "They showed a disregard for basic decency and were disrespectful and degrading to African Americans and women everywhere."

"Show them that we are proud to stand with them and for them," she added.

While visiting Veteran Affairs centers in upstate New York Tuesday, Clinton said that Imus' fate should be up to his employer. She added. "You know I've been on the receiving end of a lot of his barbs, so you know, I understand, I am a public figure, but it just went way over the line. And I think that the reaction is well deserved."

Among all the 2008 presidential campaign web sites, Clinton's is the only site thus far to highlight the Imus controversy.

-- CNN's Peter Hamby

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