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1. How can I get CNNtoGO on my mobile phone?
Currently you can access CNNtoGO on mobile phones from most major carriers as long as (1) your phone is Web-enabled and (2) your service plan includes wireless Web access. Please go to and click on your provider to find out what CNN services we can offer you via your mobile device. Use our live emulator to see how CNN content could look on your phone. Then contact your provider to sign up for CNNtoGO today.

2. What is a Web-enabled mobile phone?
A Web-enabled mobile phone is a phone that has a built-in mini Web browser and the capability of connecting to the wireless Web in order to send and receive data.

3. What is the wireless Web?
The wireless Web is a network of Internet sites that has been specially formatted to display their content and allows for browsing and navigation on mobile phones.

4. I think I already have CNNtoGO on my phone, how do I find it?
You will first need to access the wireless Web. On some phones you'll see a link marked "Web," "Internet," or "Browser" as soon as the phone is powered up. The link may also be named after your particular phone provider's service.

You may instead need to access the phone's main menu to find this link. Hint: The link is often marked by a graphic icon depicting a globe of the Earth. Contact your mobile phone service provider if you have trouble getting onto the wireless Web.

Once you're on the Web you'll likely see a menu of the different types of content available to you. Look for a link marked "News" and click on it; chances are you'll find CNN on the next menu that comes up.

5. How much will it cost me to use CNNtoGO?
This will depend on how your mobile phone service provider charges for wireless Web access. Usually you won't pay for the time you use the service but rather for the amount of data you receive, which is measured in kilobytes (KB). Some providers offer unlimited data access for a flat fee. Contact your provider for specific information on your plan.

6. I'm still having problems with CNNtoGO.
How do I get in touch with customer service? If you have a problem receiving CNNtoGO on your phone, please contact your mobile phone service provider. If you have a comment about CNNtoGO services, please use a computer to send an e-mail to If possible, please include the type of phone and the name of the service provider you are using.

7. What is SMS or text messaging?
SMS or Short Messaging Service is a wireless service that sends a brief text message to your mobile phone.

8. How do I get CNN Text Alerts on my Verizon phone?
Visit Verizon Wireless' TXT Messaging site to get your CNN TXT Alerts directly on your phone. It's easy...
1) Go to
2) Sign in with your VZW Mobile Number & Password
3) Select TXT Alerts, Select CNN News and Customize Your Alerts

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