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CNN Student News: Ten Questions

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(CNN Student News) -- May 28, 2009

1. What incident occurred in Lahore, Pakistan yesterday? What were some of the effects of this event?



2. What is the Demilitarized Zone (DMZ)? Why was the DMZ established?



3. What are some features of the DMZ as seen in the report? How do these features reflect the relationship between North and South Korea?



4. Why is North Korea threatening military action against South Korea? Do you think that North Korea's military will act on these threats? Why or why not?



5. What actions has North Korea taken recently that have concerned the international community? What statement did U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton make yesterday regarding North Korea's actions?



6. What do you think are the benefits and drawbacks for North Korea of its recent nuclear test and missile launches? Explain.



7. What new role has been given to a retired U.S. Navy warship? What are some of the potential benefits of using ships in this role?



8. What is the purpose of the Posse Foundation scholarships? What percent of students who receive a Posse scholarship graduate from college?



9. According to the report, what are the potential benefits of Posse Foundation scholarships for the students who receive them and the schools that they attend? What challenges do you think that these students might face during their college careers?



10. Have you ever been in a challenging situation that was made easier because you were part of a group? If so, describe the experience.



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