The story

It's 4:45 p.m. Tuesday, West Coast time.

It's like a nuclear bomb went off here in San Diego. We were evacuated from our home early this morning.

We're now at my dad's home, which is much farther south and west of the fires that are consuming millions of dollars worth of homes all over the county. I have never experienced anything like this.

Yesterday afternoon, I was working in my yard when the smell of burning leaves grabbed my attention. At the same time, a fine soot drifted into my eyes and mouth. Not good, I thought.

I went inside and turned on the TV. The news showed eight fires burning way to the east, so I thought we were going to be OK. But the Santa Ana winds kicked in, with 60-mph gusts blowing east to west. Couple that with humidity hovering around 5 percent, and right before our eyes, a lethal combination for fire was in the making. Watch coverage of Southern California's wildfires Read full article »

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