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Two Marines missing after crash in Iraq

Enemy action not suspected as cause
An Iraqi cleans broken glass from his shop window after a police commando detonated a roadside bomb near Baghdad Saturday.

BAGHDAD (CNN) -- Two U.S. Marines were missing after their helicopter crashed during a maintenance test flight in Iraq's Anbar province Saturday, the U.S. military said.

"We are using all the resources available to find our missing comrades," Marine spokesman Lt. Col. Bryan Salas said.

The military said the AH-1 Cobra crash did not appear to be caused by enemy action.

Another U.S. Marine and three Iraqi civilians died on Friday, authorities said Saturday.

The Marine was killed in enemy action in Anbar province, the U.S. military said. The troop was assigned to the 2/28 Brigade Combat Team.

The three civilians were killed and 29 wounded in a car bombing that took place around 8 p.m. Friday in Baghdad's Shiite neighborhood of Hay al Amil.

Also on Saturday, a roadside bombing targeting a police patrol in the Mansour neighborhood of the capital wounded two civilians, police said.

Coalition forces on Saturday reported the detention of three insurgents in the Samarra area on Wednesday in a raid "targeting a known al Qaeda associate," the U.S. military said in a statement.

"The successful operation led to the capture of the known terrorist and two other male associates, all of whom were intoxicated. This individual is believed to have a high-level role within the local insurgency," the statement said.

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