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Officer slain in Virginia police station shooting

Suspect also killed; another officer seriously wounded


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FALLS CHURCH, Virginia (CNN) -- A police officer was killed and two others wounded Monday in a shootout with a gunman at a Fairfax County, Virginia, police station, Fairfax Police Chief David Rohrer said.

The gunman was shot and killed on the scene, Rohrer said, and the female officer -- a nine-year veteran -- was pronounced dead at the hospital.

"This is the first officer we have lost to an assailant," the chief said, noting that his department had held a ceremony Monday morning for fallen officers elsewhere. (Watch the chief give details of the shooting -- 2:41)

"She was an exemplary detective for us. We love her greatly," Rohrer said.

"The other officer, who was seriously wounded, is still being treated," he said. "He is still in surgery. His family is with him."

The third officer, 28, suffered minor wounds and was treated on the scene, he said.

Police did not release the name of the officers involved pending notification of more family members. The name of the suspect was also not released.

Police spokeswoman Mary Ann Jennings said he was not carrying identification and was driving a stolen vehicle.

The suspect had attempted to take a pickup truck from a civilian but failed, she said. Minutes later, "he hijacked at gunpoint a van. That van was driven onto the parking lot at Sully station," she said.

The shootout began about 3:30 p.m. in the parking lot of the Sully District Station, in the country's westernmost district, said Rohrer.

The chief said the suspect drove up to the police station and opened fire, crouching between two vehicles. Police officers returned fire, he said.

Rohrer said that it wasn't clear whether police killed the suspect or he killed himself.

Rohrer said the gunman targeted the officers. Earlier reports that two gunmen were involved -- which had prompted a search of the area -- were erroneous, he said.

Jennings said the suspect carried a rifle and two handguns.

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