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Police: Text-messaging teen's story 'in doubt'

Girl returns to N.J. home; mother says, 'We don't doubt anything'


New Jersey
New York

NEW YORK (CNN) -- A 13-year-old girl who text-messaged her mother this week to say she had been abducted was returned to her family and New Jersey home Thursday evening.

She was found earlier in the day in New York City by a cab driver, who took her to a hospital.

The girl, who told police she had been raped, spent most of the day undergoing hospital exams and answering questions from police, who have raised questions about the girl's story.

"The credibility of what happened here is in doubt," Jersey City Police Chief Robert Troy said. "But we'll give her every benefit of the doubt to make sure that if anything happened, she'll get the help she needs."

The girl's mother disregarded the police statement.

"We don't doubt anything right now," Stella Browne said Thursday night. "She's fine. That's the most important thing."

At 1 a.m. Thursday, the girl, who had been missing since Monday, called her parents at their home in Jersey City and said she did not know where she was, but thought she was in Manhattan, her father said.

A New York City cab driver then spoke to the parents and took the girl to the hospital, her father said.

Three men, two 19-year-olds and a 20-year-old, were being questioned by Jersey City police. The girl had met the 20-year-old at New Jersey's Newport Mall and arranged to meet with him Monday, Troy said.

The men acknowledged seeing the girl Monday, but said they left her at 2:30 p.m. and don't know what happened to her after that, police said.

They reported to the police station voluntarily for questioning, Troy said.

State police, who assisted Jersey City police in culling evidence from the girl's home computer, said "she was visiting a lot of sites she shouldn't have been visiting," Troy added.

Asked earlier whether the girl's alleged abduction may have been a hoax, Troy said, "We really can't be conclusive on what our opinion is at this point."

Text messages had been sent Monday from the girl's phone to her mother's cell phone pleading for help after the girl vanished on her way to school.

The text messages sent to the girl's mother's phone said: "Mom help, I can only make one text message ... he's gonna take my phone away," one read.

Others said, "Help mom, I'm scared and I don't know where I am ... I know I'm in a house ... someone was following me and I just don't remember what happened."

The girl's mother said she received the last text message about 8 p.m. Monday. In it, the girl wrote that she "was being taken to New York," Troy said.

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