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14 arrested in Las Vegas street fight

A section of the Las Vegas Strip was closed to traffic after the fight.


Las Vegas (Nevada)
Casinos and Gambling

LAS VEGAS (CNN) -- At least 14 people were arrested after a street fight involving partygoers and police officers on the Las Vegas Strip, police said. Several people, including officers, sustained minor injuries.

The incident began at a party at the Hawaiian Marketplace on the Strip, said Lt. John Farrell of the Las Vegas Metropolitan police. About 10 to 20 people were involved in the initial altercation among partygoers.

When officers arrived and attempted to break up the fight, Farrell said, "the people started fighting with the officers." The arriving police called for help, and about 70 or 80 police responded, he said.

The section of the Strip that is home to the MGM Grand Hotel and the Bellagio and Aladdin casinos was closed to traffic for about 20 minutes as police attempted to get the situation under control.

About 14 people were arrested for "a bunch of tiny charges," he said, but the number could increase as police were still wrapping up loose ends early Sunday.

One person was transported to a hospital and would probably need stitches, Farrell said, but those injuries stemmed from the initial fight. "Everybody got hurt in the original, not because of police," he said.

Some officers were complaining of minor injuries such as twisted ankles, Farrell said.

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