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Richard Branson shares his travel tips




Biz Traveller
Air Transportation
Richard Branson

LONDON, England (CNN) -- Virgin Atlantic boss Richard Branson lets Business Traveller viewers in on the five things that make his life easier when he is on the road.

1. Breitling watch

"The Breitling watch is actually a special watch -- it's saved my life on a couple of occasions. I've been pulled out of the sea six times by helicopters in boating and ballooning incidents.

"The great thing about this watch, is I can pull out its aerial and send out an EPIRB (emergency position indicating radio beacon, which transmits your GPS position up to a satellite), and any boat within 200 miles or any helicopter will then head to rescue whoever is on the end of the watch.

"I think the last time I used it was when I was off Tahiti in the Pacific when our balloon went down. So, I am very grateful to this watch -- I never know when I might need it."

2. Take time for a haircut

"Before I set up an airline 21 years ago, I traveled a lot and being a really busy person, I never have the chance to have a hair cut.

"I'm a great believer that if you've got hair, you've got strength. You don't want to lose too much strength.

3. Grab a massage when you can

"I'm running, running all the time. To get a shoulder and neck massage, I think it's a real luxury. Even if it's just a 10- or 15- minute massage.

4. Swim and spa


"I set up Virgin Atlantic to be the kind of airline I'd like to fly on with lounges that have the kinds of things I like.

"Before I get on a flight, I jump into the Jacuzzi and chill out so my tip is to make sure you always have swimming trunks and a towel.

"We built the lounge (at London Heathrow Airport's terminal three) to look like the best looking cruise ship in the world.

"It has the best food, the best entertainment, you name it, it's got it. And it hits somebody's journey off really well so we're pretty proud of it.

"It's just opened. It's the sort of place that people want to check in six hours before and then they want the plane to be delayed by six hours. That's quite rare when it comes to air travel."

5. Carry a notepad at all times


"Of these five things, and it may sound ridiculous, but my most important is to always carry a little note book in your back pocket. I think the number one thing that I take with me when I'm traveling is the notebook.

"Make sure you can use it for ideas, for contacts for suggestions for problems and get out and address the issues. Your life will be that much better organized for carrying it.

"I could never have built the Virgin Group into the size it is without those few bits of paper. I think if you're going to run a really personal airline, its those little details that matter and therefore the notebook is an essential part of my traveling day."

-- CNN's Ayesha Durgahee contributed to this report

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