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The crime scene: What is known

The body of 6-year-old JonBenet Ramsey was found in the basement of her Boulder, Colorado, home.

(CNN) -- JonBenet Ramsey's body was discovered on December 26, 1996, in a storage room in the basement of her family's home in Boulder, Colorado.

A three-page hand-written ransom note demanding $118,000 was found on a back staircase leading down from the home's bedroom areas, according to the late Patsy Ramsey.

JonBenet's autopsy report, released by the Boulder County coroner in August 1997, is the main source of what is publicly known about the crime scene. The report included the following details:

  • A knotted white synthetic "ligature" (a rope or cord) was wrapped around her neck, and another piece was loosely tied around the right wrist over the sleeve of her knit shirt.
  • The cord around her neck was looped around a 4 1/2-inch wooden "stick" with the word "Korea" printed on it in gold lettering. A portion of another word on the piece of wood was not legible.
  • The stick was irregularly broken at both ends, and was covered with several colors of paint and possibly some varnish. Police believe the stick was used to tighten the cord around the girl's neck.
  • Some of her pony-tailed hair was entwined in the knot of the cord around her neck.
  • JonBenet was lying on her back on the floor and was covered by a blanket and a Colorado Avalanche hockey team sweatshirt. Duct tape was found on her mouth, according to John Ramsey.
  • Her head was turned to the right and her arms were extended over her head.
  • She was wearing a long-sleeved white knit collarless shirt with a silver star in the middle decorated with sequins. She also was wearing long white underwear, and there were red stains and urine on the panties.
  • A red-ink drawing of a heart was on the palm of her left hand, and a gold cross hung around her neck. She also was wearing an identification bracelet stamped "JonBenet 12-25-96" and a ring on her right hand.
  • A Boulder County judge ordered the autopsy report released over the objections of investigators, who contended it should not be released because it contained information that only the killer or killers would know.

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