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American questioned in London probe


(CNN) -- An American accused of conspiring to build a terror training camp in Oregon has been questioned as part of the probe into the London terrorist attacks, a government official has confirmed to CNN.

The government official would not say if James Ujaama provided any useful information.

It was with Haroon Rashid Aswat, the man British police are seeking in their terrorism investigation, that Ujaama conspired in the 1999 plot to establish a "jihad training camp" in Bly, Oregon, U.S. officials have told CNN.

Aswat was an unindicted co-conspirator in the case, U.S. officials have told CNN.

British police are seeking Pakistan's help in locating Aswat. They want to question him about possible ties to the four bombers who attacked London's transport system on July 7, according to officials familiar with the investigation.

As part of Ujaama's plea deal last year, he agreed to cooperate in terrorism probes.

In 2004 he pleaded guilty to a charge of conspiring to provide goods and services to the Taliban during a trip to Afghanistan in 2000. He received a two-year prison sentence, instead of the 10-year sentence he could have received on the more serious charge.

CNN's Kevin Bohn contributed to this report.

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