Lockerbie Bombing Settlement

Discussion Questions

August 15, 2003

CNN's Wolf Blitzer explores a deal that could allow Libya to compensate victims' families for the 1988 bombing of Pan Am Flight 103 in return for a lift of U.N. sanctions on the country.

1. Who is Moammar Gadhafi?


2. What act of terrorism is his country accused of committing in 1988?


3. Over what country did the bombing take place?


4. What are sanctions?


5. Why did the United Nations and the United States place sanctions on Libya in 1992?


6. Who was eventually convicted of the bombing?


7. How does Gadhafi plan to compensate the families of the victims of the Pan Am Flight 103?


8. What does he want the U.S. and the U.N. to do in return for these payments?


9. What conditions must he meet for this deal to happen?


10. What arguments for and against accepting this deal are presented in the story?


11. Do you agree or disagree with the terms of this deal? Explain your answer.



• Lockerbie

• redemption

• Pan Am 103

• embargo


U.S. official: France delaying Lockerbie settlement (

Special Report: Lockerbie Bombing Trial (

United Nations (

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