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Bush phones holiday greeting to troops

Petty Officer Paul Allen of San Diego, California, receives a holiday phone call from President Bush on the aircraft carrier USS Constellation.
Petty Officer Paul Allen of San Diego, California, receives a holiday phone call from President Bush on the aircraft carrier USS Constellation.

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WASHINGTON (CNN) -- President Bush spent the morning before Christmas phoning several members of the military to thank them for their service.

Nine rank-and-file service members each got the call from Camp David, White House spokesman Scott Stanzel said.

Those who spoke to the president represented all four branches of the military and were serving around the world -- including places such as Afghanistan, Bosnia, and South Korea, and on ships at sea.

The president stayed on the phone for about an hour, the White House said.

He told the service members that the thoughts and prayers of the American people are with them.

President Bush is spending the Christmas holiday with his immediate family at Camp David, the presidential retreat in Maryland, but the Bushes were bringing a little of Texas into the celebrations.

They were having a Christmas eve meal of enchiladas and tamales and planned to attend a candlelight service.

On Christmas morning, the first family was planning to open gifts and drink hot chocolate.

Jenna Welch with her daughter, first lady Laura Bush, and President Bush.
Jenna Welch with her daughter, first lady Laura Bush, and President Bush.

Information on what was under the Camp David tree was being kept under wraps.

Members of the Bush family spending Christmas with the president and first lady include 21-year-old daughters Jenna and Barbara, as well as the women after whom they're named, former first lady Barbara Bush and the president's mother-in-law, Jenna Welch.

Three of the president's siblings and his father, former President George H.W. Bush, are also spending the holiday at the retreat.

-- CNN's Suzanne Malveaux contributed to this report.

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